How do you deal with the great restart?
It’s been 5 long months since Salon’s in the UK were unceremoniously shutdown by Boris and Co 5 days before Xmas.
It frustrated salon professionals all over the country, Not just because three weeks previously we finished a month long “circuit breaker” but the opportunity to earn an extra few quid we all so desperately needed was gone. Not one’s to despair, We put the time off to good use. We set about with our own great reset.
With our “BETA” GoSalon at Coronado S.A we built a very smart retail wall. That will play a significant role in the Salon Business road to recovery.
We power the wall with the same technology we power the GoSalon Progressive Web App (PWA) QR codes are strategically placed within the enchanting natural moss wall back drop.

Convenience Converts
We decided to decorate the QR codes with the Coronado logo plus a short comment from the owner as to why he recommends the product. The idea is so the customer can make an informed decision not based on a biased feedback rating ala amazon but the opinion of the salon owner who uses the actual products on a daily basis.
This ringing endorsement can also help the conversion without the professional needing to be involved in the transaction.
The nature back drop combined with the futuristic QR’s proved successful in the run up to Christmas with the salon owner himself said that retail sales in the 3 weeks had increased 1000%
It’s been a long wait to see how our prototype Smart Wall works. Coronado S.A are a groundbreaking salon. Powered by GoSalon the smart wall enables all of John’s customers to scan and ship their retail products to their home at the end of their hair appointments. For the internet price.
We hope this system will create a significant increase in sales not only when the salon is open but also when it is closed.
I will report back with the results. 👊
In the meantime if you want to have a look at a GoSalon demo account
Do you want to try out a retail wall for yourself? We are looking for salon owners with an eye for innovation to make GoSalon become a future reality for professionals in the UK.
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