PayPal.Me is a unique link that lets anyone send you money — here’s how to create yours.
Click here to see an example
1. Go to and sign into your account (alternatively, you can also go to, sign in, go into your settings, and then click “Get PayPal.Me”).
2. Click “Create PayPal.Me Profile.”
or via send & request link. (like below)
3. Add your desired personalised link.
4. Click Next
5. Click the box to agree to the terms and conditions, as well as the privacy policy, and then click “Agree and Create.”
JOB DONE you can now receive credit card or digital payments for free without the need for an expensive “card machine” Via Your Own Bespoke Button. (as Below)
After that, you’ll get a confirmation message that your profile is live, at which point you can click “Done” and start using your PayPal.Me link to receive money. Your link will also be listed in your account settings in case you forget it.
6. Ensure that you accept personal payments
The GET PAID button is one of several useful features of GoSalon. GoSalon wants you to keep more of what you earn. Sign up for free today on our homepage
The benefits of this process are;
1. Instant payments.
2. Zero Fees on accepting credit card or digital payments
3. Contactless. No Card Machine Required.
4. All can be done via your customers home screen on their phone.
Let your clients pay you quickly and easily. It’s free for both of you when they use their PayPal balances or bank accounts. NO FEES
Ensure that your client leaves the box unticked. OTHERWISE YOU WILL PAY FEES
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